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Richardson Seating Presents

Cracked Ice Vinyl

The ultimate retro vinyl pattern available by the yard and by the roll

Cracked Ice is by far our best selling upholstery vinyl pattern.  We make many of our quick ship items in cracked ice

Cracked Ice vinyl is the ultimate retro upholstery vinyl and perfect for both residential and commercial use.  It is an indoor vinyl and should only be used for indoor furniture.  We have other vinyl that is appropriate for outdoor.  When you are looking to make your furniture feel like 1950 all over again, you can't do much better than cracked ice.  If you are looking to match your table with cracked ice, you are in luck.  Vitro Seating produces High Pressure Laminate tables and offers cracked ice in four different colors.  Their tables will match our chairs.

Cracked Ice VInyl is available by the roll and by the yard.  Please reach out to us if you are interested in purchasing.  We are not able to send out samples right now.


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